Thursday, December 18, 2008

And the news is...

Every time around Nov/Dec scans the news is always bad, Tyler either is diagnosed or relapsed with Hodgkins.

Even his oncologist had commented that they neede to stop scanning him at this time of the year.

But NOT this time! Tyler has officially broken the chain!!
His PET CT showed CLEAN!!
It has only been 9 months but this was a very nerve wreaking time!

Also blood counts are good, pulmonary was good, and cGVHD looked very good!

The BMT doc dropped his tacro down .5mg a day and his steroids down 16mg.
A very, very good day!

Party at One Year!
Everyone will be invited!
He is on his way! I feel very good about it!
He has never made a year yet but this is going to be the time! And beyond!

Love to all

And have a very Merry Christmas!!!


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

sign the petition


IN A Cloud

Ever feel like your mind is in a cloud?
Lately I feel I just can't think straight!
I am sure it's just the stress of upcoming scans but it sure is taking a toll on me. I have been trying to get hours at work but sometimes... it's the little blunders lately! Oh well, trying!
I want to thank everyone for writing in all the well wishes to Tyler!
It's nice having such wonderful and supportive friends and family!
Tyler is doing pretty good.
His first appointment back won't be till the 15th and ECP again the week of xmas.
His eyes,skin and mouth are looking better so maybe the ECP is working. He is having an issue with cramps in his calf off and on. He is trying stretching to relieve it. Probably the steroids.

I have talked to a Grandma of a young man who had a transplant a few months before Tyler. Unfortunately his GVHD is getting the best of him and he is on life support. Please say a prayer for Allen and his family, it doesn't look good. He has been in pain and hasn't walked for a long time.
I also talked to a friend and a little girl who was being treated for ALL when Tyler was being treated has relapsed and will need a transplant.We're praying for you Vesta! I don't know for sure but I think she is 5 or 6 now.

Also Eric, praying for a successful 2nd transplant
Adrienne hoping they will be able to pin point the pain and find a new trial for you
Noah hoping transplant will not be too far off

Also prayers for all our cancer warriors as they courageously fight their battles! We are thinking of each of you!
