Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Update 5 of 9Newest Newer Older Oldest 5 May 15, 2008 at 02:56 PM EDT
We just got back from University of Michigan and Tylers CBC are back up, which is very good but now we have to wait and see where is anti-rejection medicine level is. We had to cut it down again because his body was not metabolizing it. So far things look good. Tyler had a breathing treatment to ward off pneumonia, which he said wasn't too bad and we have some skin peeling isssue but they seem to think it is an after effect of his chemo (just a little delayed).
Now we are trying to make sure things are in order for him to graduate. He's afraid his grades won't average out very good being he has been gone so much and it's almost the end of school! Hopefully I will get some good news from school. Everyone has worked so well with us and has been so understanding through his ordeal, THANK-YOU!!! I will be contacting you.
Also I want to thank everyone who has written thoughts of encouragement (by this site or by mail) it really means alot.There are so many people who have been so kind to us and Tyler that we want you all to know how much we appreciate it! Also his Eagle Scout court of honor, we thank everyone who was there,helped, sent cards, helped with the event etc... WE THANK YOU ALL!!!I have been so behind in making sure everyone knows how we feel. It was really cool for Tyler to see how many people care for him.(There sure were alot!!!!) We sure are blessed to have such wonderful friends, family, community, co-workers,and newly made friends etc...


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