Friday, January 30, 2009


We haven't checked in for a while, things are going pretty good.

The week of christmas while doing ECP, Tyler's immuniglobin dropped into the 200's and the day after christmas he was at UM getting Ivig infusion.

Our friend Jan's grandson passed away on December 27th after battling cGVHD for about a year after an allo transplant. We met his family when Tyler had his transplant. He gave it a very good fight until his body just gave out. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family.

Last Friday Tyler had an appointment at UM cancer center and for some reason his counts decided to go a little off from two weeks ago.

His Tacro (anti-rejection med) level went high
His platelets droppedThis is his CBC levels we're watching:

------- 01/07/2009 --- --- 01/22/2009
Tacro level ----8.0 --- -- 1.5
Potasium ----5.2 - ----- 5.1
immuniglobin ---- ? --- -- 417
Platelets ----162 --- -- 109
RBC ----- 4.30 --- -- 4.22
WBC ----- 13.6 --- -- 8.6
ALT ----- 49 --- - -- 43
LDH ------ 381 --- - -- 389
ANC ------11.2 --- - --- 6.1

Some levels dropped down and others went up, so they don't know if he was dehydrated or had a virus (a week ago he had diarrhea) so they ordered more tests, including thyroid (he's always so cold).
We also had to get more blood work this week (haven't heard results yet). They dropped his tacro from 1 mg twice a day to .5 mg twice a day (and he had to skip next two doses), dropped his steroid from 48mg every other day to 32mg every other day and stop Bactrim for now.
I have to tell you starting Sunday his eyes started to look red (cGVHD?) his temp on two different thermometers was 94.5f and 94.7f, We were a "little" concerned on breathing.
Monday night at about 7:30pm he proceeds to tell us everything went black on him 3x that day, he didn't pass out but he had to wait for things to come back.
We started to push him to drink more including some powerade, and kept him from school the following day.

No, we didn't call UM because he was still controlled and we kind of thought maybe between being dehydrated and the big drop in meds that could of been the cause.
We even debated on whether or not his skin was starting to look a little red.Wednesday things started looking better and today eyes look alot better, skin doesn't look red at all and no more blackout issues!

Who Knows?!!

I am just glad things are starting to turn back around. He is much better about keeping hydrated (we think that it kind of scared him) and now he realizes how important it is.February 20th is next cliic visit but we're sure he will have to have Ivig before that. That will be his 4th blood product he has received besides stem cells in his three years of fighting this awful disease.

March we start 1 year tests

Please keep all our cancer warriors in your prayers!!

God Bless