Thursday, December 18, 2008

And the news is...

Every time around Nov/Dec scans the news is always bad, Tyler either is diagnosed or relapsed with Hodgkins.

Even his oncologist had commented that they neede to stop scanning him at this time of the year.

But NOT this time! Tyler has officially broken the chain!!
His PET CT showed CLEAN!!
It has only been 9 months but this was a very nerve wreaking time!

Also blood counts are good, pulmonary was good, and cGVHD looked very good!

The BMT doc dropped his tacro down .5mg a day and his steroids down 16mg.
A very, very good day!

Party at One Year!
Everyone will be invited!
He is on his way! I feel very good about it!
He has never made a year yet but this is going to be the time! And beyond!

Love to all

And have a very Merry Christmas!!!



Anonymous said...

WHHHHOOOOOOHHOOOOOOO. I know how stressful the scanxiety is and have been thinking about you guys all week. Praise God, the Ultimate healer. So relieved for you.
It was kinda funny. I got the message about the carepage update and when I tried to check it cp was doing some update and unavailable. AAAAUUUGHHH! Is what I wanted to yell. The suspense was killing me. Then I remembered you had a blogspot for him too. Thank goodness the hubby's laptop remembers the addresses. So happy to hear the NED news. Have a CHRISTmas filled with PEACE, true JOY and LOVE and we look forward to that 1 year celebration and many more NED's to come.

Jena said...

Yay! Merry Christmas, everyone!

Anonymous said...

What a christmas!


Jane Owen : )