Thursday, June 26, 2008

Just In Day +92

Well we went to clinic today and everything looks good!!!s
ANC 3200
WBC 4.6
PLT 211
They took him off 2 meds and cut his magnesium down.
We also had a consult about radiation but everything is still on the fence. We aren't sure he really needs it. After all his 100 day tests are done we will know more on what everyone thoughts are. July 1st will be test day!!
It was a very long day, we started at 9:30 and left at about 2:15!!!
Thanks to everyone who is checking in on Tyler.
Please leave a comment,just click on comment at the right hand corner and leave us a message. We love to hear from you!!! You can leave as anonymous and not have to sign in I think.


chrisk said...

It is good to hear from you. Sounds like things are heading in the right direction. I will pray for wisdom for the doctors so they choose the best course of action re: the radiation.

Tyler, I hope you are able to enjoy summer a bit.

We have been thinking of you..

Chris and Colleen

Anonymous said...

We are still praying for you. Hope things contiue to get better.

Dave and Sharlene Burgess

Anonymous said...

Kelly and Tyler!
Great blood counts! What ever comes next will just be another roller coaster day in "cancer world." Stay strong and know that we are all behind you and your battle.
Heidi and Chelsea