Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Update 2 of 9
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2 May 07, 2008 at 11:19 AM EDT
We are so exhausted today!!! We were called Monday afternoon and told that Tyler bacteria in his broviak had not cleared up so they wanted to surgery and take the line out on Tuesday. Once you get the phone call then everyone is calling!!! But we got everything rescheduled and we left for Ann Arbor around 6:30am and got home around 5:00pm. What a day!!!! We went and got blood work and then went to clinic. Everything looked pretty good(of what came in while we were there) except his platlets had dropped again!! They are now 76 which still isn't bad but they think maybe the infection or the meds were making them go down. We are now 42 days out of transplant. Then we were off to surgery! Everyone was very nice in ped surgery so... a big Hey! and Tyler is doing well! to all that took care of him! The surgery took longer than expected. They thought they could go in and just pull it out but apparently it was put in to stay.The P A to Dr Hershel said it was really in there and she had to get different instruments to pull it out so he was in longer than expected. She said it wasn't going to fall out that was for sure! While we waited we talked to a nice young couple who's daughter Isabella was getting her port out. They thought a mass inside her head was a cancerous tumor but it was benign and chemo resistent so they ended up taking it out. Now she just has to do check-ups YAH!!! We can only hope to get great news like that. Tyler was in the recovery room about 10-15 minutes before we were whirled off to PET CT. They wanted him to drink Berrium to help contrast their pictures but after just getting out of surgery and Tyler tellig them he thought he'd be sick they decided to do the test without it. I asked them if they thought the test wouldn't be any good without the berrium and they said no they thought it would be fine, but they didn't know if where he just had surgey would show a false positive. I thought they should have just waited but oh well. Now Tyler is home and doing pretty well today. I stayed home with him. They said he would probably be pretty sore and they think the bacteria was pretty localized to his line but they're not completely positive. We go in Friday for more blood work and we shall go from there KJC
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